Enjoy a virtual tour of Scoriton Country Show a fun day out for all the family. If you like your sports, flowers or traditional games, this has it all.
Updated 10th September 2019
I’ve been coming here quite a few years now as I play with the band and It can have some interesting foods and stalls. It’s a great day for the family with lots to do for the kids. There is a pimms tent, but strangely no beer which is disappointing. The sun usually shines and I’ve been burnt in the past, so lesson learned I’ve always worn the sunscreen every year since.
After we finish playing we usually all head to the Abbey Inn for that beer to quench our thirst after a few hours of playing.
Scoriton Country Show & Sports is held each year to raise money for local charities on August Bank holiday Monday.
- The show has been going since 1949.
Past Supported Charities include:
- Devon Air Ambulance
- The Valiant Soldier, Buckfastleigh
- Our own Methodist chapel, Scoriton
- The local Children’s Christmas Party
- Children’s admission – Scoriton Fireworks
- Buckfastleigh swimming pool
- Vintage film night
- The Show opens 1:30pm till late.
- Adults £3, under 16s go free.
- Evening Ceilidh, Adults £2.50, Under 16s Free.
- Bouncy castles
- Cross country run
- Clog Dancing (Shuffle the Deck)
- Displays of local produce, cookery, flowers and crafts
- Field Stalls (Brainwave, Code4coffee, Devon Scent, Fuse Glass, Laxmi Support, Silver Circle Jewellery, Scoriton Twinning Association, South Devon Cats Rescue,The Licorice Shop, to name a few)
- Live Music (Spectrum Music)
- Traditional Games (bash the rat, coconut shy, hay bale tossing, hoopla, plate smashing, ring toss, skittles, welly wanging and more)
- Pony rides
- Raffle
- Vintage tractors
- Home made cakes
- Cream teas
- Coffee
- Pimms tent and BBQ
- Sandwiches
- Evening bar, ceilidh and hog roast
It all takes place on a field, so expect uneven ground, the odd cow pat and if it’s rained recently, mud. If it has recently rained, a pair of wellies would be a good idea or have a bag in your car to put your dirty footwear in.
Scorriton village is close to the town of Buckfastleigh and is situated just inside the boundaries of Dartmoor National Park. The show field can be found at sat-nav TQ110HS.
- Bus, The 672 (Buckland in the Moor) from Newton Abbot (35 min) stops at Hawson Cross, then its a short walk to the show.
- Car, is by far the easiest option, you’ll be directed to park in a field adjacent to the show. Disabled parking is available for blue badge holders only.
- Taxi, There are a few to choose from:
- Mooreland Taxis 01626 835095
- South Hams Cabs 07772 744598
- Ashburton Taxis Ltd 01364 652423
- Walking, Many locals walk to the event, but all roads are single track so be careful of traffic.
- If it has recently rained a pair of wellies would be a good idea or have a bag in your car to put your dirty footwear in.
- Find out more at www.scoritonshow.com or facebook.
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Originally Published on: 29 Aug 2018 @ 00:04