The oldest of the five Parish Churches in Paignton, steeped in history and parts of the building still remain from when it was first built in the Norman 11th century.
- 8.00am Holy Communion
- 9.30am Sung Eucharist followed by coffee in the church
- 11.00am The Eleven always a Eucharist with more contemporary music
- 1st Sunday 6.30pm Evening Prayer (said)
- 2nd Sunday 6.30pm Choral Evensong & Sermon
- 3rd Sunday 6.30pm Evening Prayer (said)
- 5th Sunday Service with Christians together in Paignton (Various locations)
- Monday 9.30am
- Tuesday 8.00am
- Wednesday 10.00am
- Thursday 5.30pm
- Friday 10.00am
- Saturday 9.00am
More to follow.
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