Here you’ll find all my 360 Tutorials, I will be adding to this as often as I can. Just click on one of the buttons below to take you to that specific category.
20 Hints & Tips for shooting in 360° A list of tips and tricks to help get you started with 360 photography.
Constantly updating page with all the best 360º Photography accessories that will fit any 360 camera or useful for shooting in 360º.
360-degree cameras are still uncommon, and for most people shooting with it will be unfamiliar territory. Moreover, you can forget the techniques of traditional photography, such as the rule of thirds. With 360 pics and VR, you truly feel like you’re somewhere, not just experiencing it through someone else’s eyes. It’s not exactly like being there, but it’s tremendously closer than anything I’ve ever been able to capture or share before and it's this experience that really excites me.
360 Photography Mobile Workflow for 360 photos is not as complicated as it initially seems. Here's a tutuorial of the steps I use:
If you’re looking for a free 360 player for your PC, Mac or Mobile then you needn’t look any further. I think these are the best currently out there, go check out these:
Looking for 360 players or viewers for your PC, Mac or Mobile then you needn’t look any further. Here are the latest and best out there.
Want to know how to create virtual tours or share and upload your 360 images & videos? Here's one page with over 100 platforms, sites, apps (free unless otherwise stated) plus reviews. I started this list back in August 2017 and will keep updating it as I come across new sites, so keep your eye on it.
Are you looking for 360 editing software to use on your, mobile, PC or Mac? These are the best apps that are available for editing your 360° photos and videos while at home or on the fly.
Constantly updating and keeping you up to date with all the latest, best and the worst 360º cameras available to buy today.Constantly updating and keeping you up to date with all the latest, best and the worst 360º cameras available to buy today.
Backup your photos on either Android or iPhone, Windows or Mac for free with Google Photos. We're all well acquainted with exhausting our storage.....
Best Affordable Monopod for 360 Photography is a great little compact monopod with a quick lock system which I prefer this for 360 photography
How to connect the Gear 360 to Google Street View. It's a little on the fiddly side but it's very simple once you know how.
How to create a living 360 photo with Panomoments? All you have to do is simply upload a short 360 video clip and their software converts it.
How to create a Blue Line on Google Street View. The blue lines appear when you use the ‘yellow man’ and hover it over the map.
Fix the Annoying Samsung Gear360 Black Dot of Doom! Since Windows 10 creators update people have been experiencing a problem when stitching gear 360 videos
Do you want to present your business or event prominently with exclusive 360 views in Google to reach worldwide potential customers?
HDR for Ricoh Theta. HDR Photo app for Ricoh Theta cameras allows you to capture multiple images with different exposures
How to Animate 360 Photos with Power Director? You can now easily animate your 360 photos using Powerdirector 16. I've put together this quick tutorial..
Animate Your Pictures On Android? Create a moving video from your still images. Finally there's an Android app that lets you ‘animate’ your still photos easy.
How to Animate Your Pictures On IOS and create a moving video from a still image
How to Calibrate Yoichi Hirota's MiSphere Converter. You can achieve optical flow stitching on the Xiaomi Mi Sphere by using this amazing app.
Before shooting any video or images you need to make sure the camera is calibrated so it knows which way is up. Once calibration is done you will be able to move the camera at any angle including upside down and the camera will know to level the horizon so your images will always came out the correct way up.
How to can change the photo description or title in google maps or street view easily. You can indeed edit it after already having uploaded
You can now view your Ricoh Theta V 360 photos and videos wirelessly in VR using a Playstation VR or Oculus Go. The new VR viewing capability was made possible with a new Theta V plugin called VR Media Connection. This will definitely come in handy for sharing your photos and videos quickly, but also useful for virtual tours. You can get the plugin here.
How To Convert A WordPress Page To A Post? (or Vice-versa) There is a way you can simply change your page to a post with one click.
How To Cover The Tripod Nadir With Your Own 360º Logo For Free in 2 Minutes? A simple video showing you how to customise the base logo of your 360 shots.
I thought I'd make a step by step video tutorial to help show how to create a virtual tour using the Street View app #tutorial #GoogleStreetview #virtualtour
How to create a lensball or glass ball effect with your 360 camera. The lensball or glass ball photography is a popular type of photography, especially on instagram, where you take a photo looking through a crystal ball (like this). If you have a 360 camera, you can simulate the lensball effect, here's a tutorial:
How To Create The Mouth Shot. A quick tutorial to explain how to how to take a mouthie. You'll need a thin camera like Ricoh Theta or Xiaomi to achieve the best results. #mouthshot #tutorial #360technique
How to create your own virtual tour is a common recurring question, so here's a post to help point everyone in the right direction.
It can be tricky especially at first to work out how to download and stitch a video to your phone or PC. Hopefully this step by step guide will be of some help #Xiaomimisphere #tutorial
How to edit 360 photos with Adobe Photoshop. A quick tutorial to show how easy it is to edit and remove yourself or a tripod using Adobe Photoshop.
How to Edit Your 360 Photos with Affinity Photo. A quick tutorial to show how easy it is to fix the Nadir rand emove yourself or a tripod using the Affinity Photo inpainting tool. #Affinity #Tutorial #360photo
How to Fix a Broken Xiaomi Mi Sphere Selfie Stick?.... Arrgh, yep the unthinkable happened and all i did was pull the thing open with no excessive force!
How to fix WordPress error thrown $this when not in object context? My website was still live and working fine. Arrrghhh What to do.....
Sometimes if you don't get the angle of a 360 camera right, you'll have huge differences of light hitting the lenses leaving you with an obvious stitch line. Thankfully you can sometimes recover and fix the problem. I've put together this tutorial to show you the easiest way to do it using Affinity Photo.
If you are using some models of Samsung or Huawei mobiles, with latest MiSphere Camera or MADVenture360 app, you may encounter a ‘black hole’ issue where it seems only one lens is working. DON'T fret, it's not your camera, its a known software bug that thankfully should easily be fixed.
Have you recently realised you are no longer on the Google Trusted Photographer for hire list? Here's how to get yourself back on the list
Get on the Google Trusted Photographer For Hire List? Have you been wondering how to become a Google street view photographer & get on the for hire list
How to Get the Unstitched Fisheye Photos Over WiFi? The Xiaomi Mi Sphere does have stitching flaw, but can be rectified with amazing optical flow stitching Well, not any more. Now we can easily do this with just a few taps on your phone. #Xiaomimisphere #360workflow
Since the latest Youtube update the embed code for autoplay doesn't work, it does appear in the iframe code but allow="autoplay; doesn't work. The only way I found to make it work is by doing the following....
How to Join the Google Street View Camera Loan Program? Do you want to join the Google Street View loan program? Then read on...
How To Make Your Tiny Planets Pop? I don't like to just snap, upload and make do. If your like me you'll want to improve every image to its best possible output by doing a little post processing to help make the image stand out and go from a simple 4 or 5 out of 10 to at least an 8 or more. I've created this quick tutorial explaining my process for making my tiny planets stand out from the crowd.
When metadata has been stripped or never existed in the first place, software may not be able to tell that your photo or video is 360. To inject metadata, you'll need to edit the XMP tags in the Exif data.....
How to Realign and Straighten Your 360 Photos on Mobile? Edit360 Theta Converter Pro is an app that will straighten & realign any of your 360º images.
How to Remove the Tripod on Phone or Desktop? You can easily remove your tripod and fix the nadir of your 360 photos whether your on your mobile or desktop.
How to Remove the Tripod Using Your Mobile? A quick tutorial to show how easy it is to remove your tripod or yourself from the nadir of your 360 pictures
How to Remove Your Tripod from 360 Pictures For Free on Desktop? Removing your tripod is actually easier than you think. All you need is an editing program.
How to replace the Samsung Gear 360's Lens? I did the unthinkable and dropped my 360 camera and it resulted with very noticeable, chip.
Many of us taking 360 photos like to use programs like Affinity Photo or Photoshop to touch up and colour correct. This is always a bit tedious as you have to do the stitching with the cameras mobile app and then transfer to your desktop. Thankfully you can now enjoy the huge array of apps Android has on your Mac or PC, even if you don't own an Android smartphone or tablet with an emulator.
The trouble with sharing an image the normal way in Whatsapp it compresses the file so it loses all the quality and looks terrible to the recipient. Thankfully there is a way around this, yes you can send 360 photos on WhatsApp....
I do love this little camera and you can do so many things with it, I thought I must try out the bullet time feature and there was no better place than on a near empty Maya Bay Beach while I was on Phi Phi Island.
How To Stitch 360 Photos With Samsung's Desktop Action Director? Gear 360 takes 2 photos. To view these photos in 360 you have to firstly stitch them. Follow these simple steps:
How to stitch MadV360 or Xiaomi Mi Sphere Images or video with Mac. Image & video stitching tools have long been waited on & a wish come true for Mac users.
How to update the Kandao Qoocam 8K
How to View 360 with Playstation VR? Once you have a photo you'll want to check it out in all its glory, you'll need to know how to open it...
Kandao Qoocam 8K in Depth Hands On Review. Everything you need to know about the Kandao Qoocam 8K, the first 8K 360 camera for consumers.
Powerdirector 16 Stabilization Comparison. I thought I'd use some footage I shot from an older camera without any built in stabilization.
How to replace Xiaomi Mi Sphere Battery or Madventure. If your battery is failing, don't worry, you can replace it with the right tools.
Ricoh Theta App Tutorial. Are you wondering what all the settings do in the app? I've put together a simple guide to explain what does what and why.
A Hands on Review of the Ricoh Theta S. I’ve been using the Theta S for for almost 2 months now so I thought I'd write a review of my experience with it.
Samsung Gear 360 (2016) Hands On Review I’ve had my Samsung Gear 360 since March 2016, so I felt it's about time I shared some tips & tricks.
A Hands on Review of Samsung Gear 360 2016 Waterproof Housing. This housing proved difficult to get hold of, was it worth it?
It's now easy to sell your 360 photos in over 200 countries/regions and in 25 currencies with My 360 Shop and start earning cash from your amazing content. #sell360 #360photo #tutorial
Share to All Platforms with One Post. With so many websites and apps in the world, you've probably experienced difficulty in managing them all...
You can now stitch Samsung Gear 360 photos online for free.
Many of the popular 360 cameras available on the market don't have in camera stitching, Gear360 & Xiaomi Mi Sphere for example. Before you start shooting and sharing 360 panoramas, here’s one important thing you need to know about the stitching process to avoid problems displaying your photos.
Many Instagrammers shoot photos and like to edit them on their computer before uploading to Instagram. That means having to transfer the finished photo to a phone, which is cumbersome, at best. This will help you cut that step out making computer edited uploads easier than ever. #Instagram #tutorial
XDA Developers have come up with an app that now lets non Galaxy users to be able to control the Gear 360.....
What Is Google Street View? Can you apply it to your business? Yes, you can have a 360 virtual tour of your business, all backed up and sponsored by Google.
Thankfully it has now become easier than ever to add your own images to Google Street View and believe it or not you can get started for less than £100.
What's the Difference Between 360 & VR? There is some confusion virtual reality and 360 camera technology, so here's a quick explanation
Of course you can use the likes of eBay or Amazon, but they usually have fees for selling. You can now also easily buy, sell or trade your 360 cameras on facebook and the best thing there are no fees and you can post for free.
How to Wirelessly Transfer from Phone to PC? You can easily transfer your files from your phone to PC using your wifi fast and easy
I’ve had the Mi Sphere since mid December 2017, so I thought I would write an in depth hands on review of my experience and include some tips I've picked up
Below is the same shot taken in both Jpg & Raw formats with the #Xiaomi Mi Sphere, then I've used different mobile post editing workflows to compare the difference to see which turns out to be the best #photoediting
A hands on review the Xiaomi Selfie Stick and some tips & tricks. As selfie sticks go I have to say this one is pretty sleek.
If you found this helpful, please like and follow my social pages
I hope you found these helpful, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask either on here or my facebook page. If I haven’t covered what your looking for yet then you should check out Ben Claremont from Life in 360 or Mic Ty from 360 Rumors if your not already following them then you should be.